Skiers over 65 can ski for $7 during midweek nonholiday periods, while members of the 70+ Club ski free.
Today, children 6 to 12 not only ski free, they rent and even fly free with a paying parent.
Guests at Woodstock Inn ski free on weekdays, except holidays.
Snowbird in Utah is a great bet, especially for single parents, because two kids 12 or under can ski free with one parent.
For the first time, skiers aged 70 and over and children under 6 can ski free.
For $1, skiers can buy a guarantee that allows them to ski free if they average more than a 10-minute wait on lift lines.
Plus, locals over 70 now ski free at Buttermilk, and college students home for the holidays get reduced lift-ticket prices.
Children 12 and under stay free in the same room with adults, and two kids ski free if one adult buys a five-day lift ticket.
Ages 6 or under and 70 or up ski free.
There are frequently some good offers for kids to ski free too.