She has had her share of ski injuries, including a blown-out left knee in December 1996.
At the time, she was a 33-year-old mother of three trapped in a rapidly deteriorating marriage and recovering from a painful ski injury.
Arthritis can be caused by genetics, an old ski injury or your own immune system.
The Colorado Department of Health said that in a typical ski season, 10 to 12 people die as a result of ski injuries.
In addition, experts in the field of ski injuries point to the fact that children might be subject to serious neck injuries from the weight and shape of the helmets.
Once, most serious ski injuries were lower-leg fractures.
He's never had a ski injury.
If she took over the holodeck for her therapy, it would cut down on ski injuries for the day.
"I undoubtedly have some ski injuries awaiting me in sickbay."
The other method, which Mr. Adams personally prefers, is the fake ski injury.