After all, 11 other skiers had taken after their Carole and failed.
Gradually, over the last few years, skiers have been taking note.
Now skiers can take a route around it called Compromise.
For these, skiers meet instructors and take a run to get help with technique on an individual basis.
Through the winter, new skiers can use three novice lifts on the lower mountain and take an hour-and-a-half class lesson for $25.
An avid skier, he took a bad fall several years ago.
This allows skiers to ski for part of a day or take only a few rides, and the tickets are good for the entire season.
On the first day of individual competition, skiers take three jumps, with only the best two counting.
Each team has a boat and the skiers take turns skiing.
As many as 100 skiers take part at a time.