The Soviets have many skilled interrogators; it is a talent born of their sort of paranoia.
Now that was truly unusual, since Falconsbane had been a rather skilled interrogator and some of that expertise was available to An'desha.
Their only defense against a determined, skilled interrogator equipped with the best mechanical and chemical tools of the trade was ignorance.
He regards himself as a skilled interrogator, and the information to have been extracted against the will of those providing it.
Using a whole panel of reporters means, even with skilled interrogators, that there's no opportunity to get more than one answer deep.
It was plain that, as well as everything else, Beairice was a skilled interrogator.
Babcock became a skilled interrogator of captured Confederates.
Known as one of Shabak's most skilled interrogators.
One of his themes was that experienced, skilled interrogators almost unanimously reject the concept of using force and inflicting physical misery on detainees to obtain information.
My liegeman, Duke Rodolpho, retains a skilled interrogator in his employ, one Groanwelt by name, who'll soon wring your secrets from you!