If the letters "commencE" had been identified, then the remaining letter would not be in doubt, at least for the skilled reader.
The skilled reader does not guess so much as eliminate alternatives by the most efficient route.
There are, as we have already suggested, a number of sources of information available to the skilled reader.
Experimental data show that skilled readers readily use their orthographic knowledge when processing words.
Indeed, in Mason's experiment, the skilled readers showed smaller overall response time differences between words and nonwords.
A more extensive experiment conducted by Kleiman (1975) confirms this result for skilled readers.
Although words can be processed by a number of different routes, for skilled readers the lexical route is the most attractive.
Effectively, the skilled reader must undertake a minor research project to determine which claim is the true invention.
Ms. Sander is a skilled reader of modern living.
Kay and Lesser (1985) gave non-words like these to twelve skilled adult readers.