They are extremely skilled trackers and usually hunt those who flee to avoid punishment.
A skilled tracker and hunter, a good seaman, he was all Pittingel was, only more so, but without the money.
With a disgusted look, Martin said, "We must have killed the only skilled trackers on their whole bloody world."
A skilled tracker will not be fooled by our route.
A skilled tracker would be able to follow the trail of depressions, but only if the dust was thick enough and the shadows were right.
A skilled tracker, he spoke several of the Indian languages, and he knew the country.
One of her brothers became a skilled tracker.
At the very least she should have asked the weatherwise Camilla, a skilled tracker and guide, to accompany her.
I think they must be accompanied by a skilled tracker.
Volunteers, Selig's best, the fastest riders, the most skilled trackers.