There's a whole host of economic problems that can't be dealt with by skillful negotiation or a strong cavalry charger.
The wily sailor's skillful negotiations with the pirate captain-who turns out to be a woman from his past-result in a favorable outcome that puts Jack in line for an official promotion.
During the 1960s, Shanker received national attention and considerable criticism for his aggressive union leadership and skillful negotiation of salary increases for New York City teachers.
Through strategy, luck, and skillful negotiation, 3 or 4 players vie to be the first to earn 10 victory points.
Mạc Đăng Dung managed once again by skillful negotiation to parry the Chinese menace.
Through amazing luck and skillful negotiations, the three men were able to save their lives and were transferred from the rebel group to the Sudanese military.
In 30 years of skillful negotiation, he acquired 31 more parcels from timber and paper companies and private landholders.
Kicking Bird's skillful negotiation in the release of Satanta and Big Tree earned him the loyalty of nearly two-thirds of his tribesmen.
Refac was founded in 1952 by Mr. Lang, and for most of its years was a fairly quiet licensing company that achieved modest success by skillful negotiation.
Through skillful negotiations, Quincy obtained a guarantee of his honour and property and surrendered.