When he stepped into the yard, the girl was skillfully turning her car about.
When the cows started a lumbering run, he skillfully turned them up the slope and chased them right onto the roof of the sod house.
It skillfully turned the rifle before Rogachev could impale himself, then gently thrust him away with the butt.
Gaea boasted, and turned skillfully to block a blow from a huge guy in a black hat.
Such prudence is just what you'd expect from a man who so skillfully turns excess into a routine.
He skillfully turned the liner around and brought it to rest on the rocks of a headland so as to make a rescue operation easier.
Runyon skillfully turns the hearings into a smear campaign of innuendo in which he repeatedly challenges Hanson to deny that she is the woman in the photos.
The Mizo boys can skillfully turn leaves of many trees into simple but indigenous musical instruments.
Then, after the dessert course, Mr. Drew skillfully turned the conversation into a new channel and mentioned some strange cases which he had handled.
Every time he tried to broach the subject of his return to Tareth, she skillfully turned the conversation.