Like a flock of swallows they skimmed away across the dusty plain.
The soarwagon neared the mountainside, skimmed away, and did a wide turn.
Her skin was pale without any red in it, but instead a kind of milky blue, the color of milk with the fat skimmed away.
He skimmed away, his landing gear just above the waving grass of the steppe.
The circle of blades tore free, smashed up through the machine, and skimmed away across the fields.
But these people are wholly on wires; laying their ears down, skimming away, pausing as though shot, and presto!
He skimmed away, tiny puffs of dust rising where his hoofs touched the earth.
A good breeze was blowing; and we skimmed away into the darkness, bound for Amlot.
The wave was breaking, and she skimmed away under the falling water.