Samandaridine is an extremely toxic alkaloid produced by the skin glands of various salamanders.
The skin becomes thicker and tougher, the lateral line system is lost, and skin glands are developed.
That's because the allergens are produced in saliva, skin glands, and urine.
It is caused by skin glands producing too many oily secretions (sebum).
It contains structures such as hair, fluid, teeth, or skin glands that can be found on or in the skin.
The mammary gland is thought to have been derived from apocrine skin glands.
The poison is stored in skin glands just beneath the frog's epidermis.
And skin glands would be perfect vehicles to initiate the event.
A specific protein in its saliva and skin glands seems to be the leading culprit in allergic reactions.
A nose couldn't even find them because their skin glands imitated the smells of the forest.