Presently a skinny brown dog that was curled up near the campfire got to his feet and began to sniff the night air.
The protagonist and title character was a skinny blue dog.
Stepping into the street, he looked to see if there was anyone about, but saw only two skinny dogs nosing in a garbage heap.
As they entered the yard, a skinny brown dog came from around the side of the house and started barking.
Did you see that skinny old yellow dog?
A skinny dog walks into the room, climbs up onto the bed and falls asleep, its feet sticking up in the air.
Alone, that is, except for a skinny black dog in his lap.
The skinny dogs of the town soon found it.
She was one of those dedicated persons who would tear the world apart for a skinny dog.
A skinny dog trotted out of one of them and gave Scipio a hard stare.