The day was cool, the sky overcast.
In any self-respecting place, the breeze in mid-October would be cool and the sky overcast.
It was one o'clock but the air was dark and gray, the sky overcast.
But with the sky overcast, and no stars or moon to illuminate the horizon, people involved in the rescue reported that it was hard to see to much of anything.
With the sky overcast, he had never known it was there.
A coastal scene in the Turin-Milan Hours has a sky overcast with carefully observed clouds.
With the sky overcast, there were no shadows and no horizons.
There was no moonlight, the sky overcast still and the incredibly large flakes of snow still falling, but the temperature still almost warm.
The air was cool, the sky overcast.
A dry day, the sky overcast but lofty, the light good.