Generally, it is best to go through security early and at a slack period if you have a special request and to smile as you ask.
The 24th is a slack period.
It's that temporary slack period, they argue, that must be seized.
Subsequently, barbel fishing went through a slack period when interest was lost through an increased enthusiasm for game fishing.
Because the fall is generally a slack period for Florida attractions, there is little evidence yet that the number of annual visitors, about 40 million, will decline.
Winter is its slack period.
They also bloom in late summer and fall, generally a slack period for flowers.
Declines in load factor resulted from slower-than-normal travel in May, which is usually a slack period anyway, he said.
During a slack period of construction work in the winter of 1843 - 1844, Mr. Johnson decided to build a small parlor organ.
The automatic stabilisers must, though, be applied by all, and comprehensively, when the economy as a whole is going through a slack period.