To save the longhouse, Mr. Masing said, the opening of large plantations must stop, and traditional slash-and-burn farming must be modernized.
They were peaceful and lived by "slash-and-burn" farming.
Much of this increase is attributed to burning fuels and slash-and-burn farming.
Most live in rural areas, growing rice, practising slash-and-burn farming, keeping animals, making handicrafts, worshipping their ancestors and believing in spirits.
Nationally, we are clearly playing a game that is a bit like slash-and-burn farming.
Poor people are migrating to the interior, where slash-and-burn farming is steadily encroaching on the verdant Amazon basin.
Illegal logging and kaingin (slash-and-burn farming) were blamed as the reasons of the flood.
This is called slash-and-burn farming.
"Flying over the island," she recalled, "all I saw was devastation," the result of decades of slash-and-burn farming.
Exposed by years of slash-and-burn farming, they offered spectacular views of Wainui Bay.