Meanwhile, many steers were fattened beyond the normal slaughter weight of 1,050 pounds per head.
Farrow-to-finish is typically a confinement operation where pigs are bred and raised to their slaughter weight, usually 225-300 pounds.
Some operations may raise their steers until slaughter weight, others sell them as weaned calves.
Stock cross-bred with the Chianina may reach slaughter weight a month earlier than normal.
Under modern farming methods, meat chickens reared indoors reach slaughter weight at 5 to 6 weeks of age.
The breeds grow more slowly than those used for indoor rearing and usually reach slaughter weight at approximately 8 weeks of age.
The breeds used are slower growing, more traditional breeds and typically reach slaughter weight at around 12 weeks of age.
They grow to a slaughter weight of 1,000 pounds in 12 months, as opposed to 16 to 20 months for other breeds.
It actually takes twice as long for these chickens to reach slaughter weight.
Other possibilities mooted include intervention for pigmeat and reducing the slaughter weight.