Take the money that some would have us disburse for slavery reparations and use it to overhaul the barely functional criminal justice system.
While the moves coincide with a percolating national interest in the issue of slavery reparations, they are a hard sell in the current economic climate.
Most white Americans hate to even hear the word reparations, especially slavery reparations.
Though claims for slavery reparations have moved near the front of national and international policy discussions in the past few years, the movement has deep historical roots.
A renewed demand by African-Americans for slavery reparations should be rejected because such payments would only increase racial hostility...
Thousands of people have been misled by promoters offering to file for tax credits or refunds related to slavery reparations.
Mr. Horowitz asserts that he voices legitimate questions about the need for slavery reparations.
He's critical of affirmative action and separate African-American publishing imprints; and slavery reparations?
In particular, he argues against the criticisms leveled by the Islamic world, domestic multiculturalists, those seeking slavery reparations, and especially America's left wing.
Work also included defense against class action suit demanding slavery reparations.