And there were the others, the big, fat, sleek animals which could still be riddled with the disease.
He was a sleek animal, about the size of our collie or red fox.
Each paddock full of sleek animals had a solid wall of stone or wood.
A sleek chocolate-brown animal, it was almost, but not quite, feline.
The swift, sleek animals headed out the gate while she went to join the others in the pavilion.
The man came closer, peering at the sleek black animal in Seven's arms.
It was a proud, sleek animal and had travelled near the limit of its endurance.
The two rats crept up the steps, sleek well-fed animals.
This sleek animal could perhaps swim at speeds up to 25 mph (40 kph).
He stared hard at the sleek animal, still soaking wet from his swim.