Sitting in his sleek office overlooking the museum's sculpture court, he bristled when asked if these were gilded times.
In sleek modern offices snappily dressed workaholics compete to become partner with the help of gorgeous young interns.
Sergei's neighborhood was a combination of high-rise apartment buildings and equally sleek offices.
The sleek offices of Castle Rock Entertainment were humming on Monday morning.
It has been a long time since a television detective was stylish, arch and ensconced in a suite of sleek, expensive offices.
The prison kitsch has no place in her sleek office, and she keeps it tucked in a closet.
Some branches have traditional Chinese architecture, but most are sleek, modern offices of marble, glass and brass.
"There were two ways to protest in Hungary in the 1980's," he said in his tastefully sleek office.
But building sleek offices and amenities has turned out to be a lot easier than cutting through the layers of indecision at the studios.
Hundreds of offices, all cold and impersonal, sleek and robotic, with too many tinted windows not letting in enough sunlight.