Now, her blond hair was swept up in a sleek style that made him crave to unpin it.
Thanks to new smoothing products, it's not just those born with straight hair that can follow the trend for sleek, shiny styles.
Yet the sleek, glittering style known as Bauhaus modern is older than most of its admirers.
It was a leftover house in the sleek pastel-plastic style of eighty or ninety years ago.
Its sleek style and touch screen changed the way many used their mobile phones.
The sleek style and quiet motion of the X5 make it an attractive addition to any room.
The team has taken on a sleek, fast-moving style of play and the franchise, which has seen dark days, is enjoying a triumphant moment.
He has, however, displayed examples of a more current and sleek style as well.
In the 1950's, when booths expanded to sidewalks, they adopted the sleek midcentury style of glass and steel.
It's on the River Walk but feels private and luxurious and has a sleek modern style.