He was still mulling contingencies an hour later when he finally drifted into a troubled sleep filled with blood and disaster.
For Marge, it was a sleep filled with the happy experiences of childhood and the best and deepest sleep she had had in many long years.
But this was a sleep filled with tension and threatening shadows.
Garishenko had known from the moment he had dropn off to a sleep filled with nightmares what he would do if a moment came.
He was exhausted, but a sleep filled with nightmares was no cure for that bone-deep weariness.
He blinked and stretched like one who had awakened from a long sleep filled with dreams.
So thinking, he fell into a restless sleep, filled with dreams of his past, and dreams that were somehow not his own.
Finally, with Putie beside her, she managed to doze, but it was a light and troubled sleep filled with terrible images from her past.
Dawn was his favorite time, after just waking from deep sleep filled with mysterious dreams and portents.
She slept fitfully, tossing on top of the covers, her sleep filled with disturbing dreams.