He'd decided to sleep in his cabin aboard the narrowboat, rather than in a tent.
Was she sleeping in her cabin aboard the narrowboat with Elend?
Imriel was sleeping in Kaneka's cabin, which held a spare cot.
He was struck by lightning while sleeping in his cabin, the bolt also igniting some powder and cartridges that were stored above him.
Not only were the children sleeping in his mother's cabin, it seemed his wife planned to do so as well.
She could sleep in his cabin safely, for he forced himself on no person in any way.
We slept well in our cabin rocked by the gentle movement of the boat as she drifted in and out against her moorings.
They met frequently in the following weeks and slept together, mostly in his cabin aboard ship.
When your adventure begins, you are sleeping in your cabin onboard the station.
You can sleep in my in-port cabin.