The sleeper hit has been circulating for more than a year.
The movie, based on a Disneyland ride, became the sleeper hit of the summer, more than paying back the $135 million it cost to make.
The film became a sleeper hit of the year with newcomers in the lead.
The show also received much publicity, touted as the "sleeper" hit of the fall 1974 season.
We'll be on the lookout for sleeper hits, but expectations are low.
Two decades later, the label, virtually unknown in this country only three years ago, has snowballed into the sleeper hit of the season.
The game was very well received at the 2009 E3 Convention and was considered the "sleeper hit" of the show.
Studio executives around town expect it to emerge as the sleeper hit of the summer, even with a mostly unknown cast.
This could be the sleeper hit of the year!
The film earned mixed reviews but became the sleeper hit of the summer.