Elric looked down at the twelve slender arrows in his hand.
I think the evidence points that way, but it's a slender arrow indeed.
Calendar held the slender wooden arrows out in front of him and sang something to them in Fathers' Language.
Beside me, Brianna stooped and picked up a dead bird, holding it by the slender arrow that pierced it through.
The arrow, long and slender with a hardwood point, was found one recent morning imbedded in a post in Raoni's lodge here.
They had each been given fifty of the slender arrows in their quivers, but now they were running low.
Now it was filled with a glowing arch of slender arrows, all going the other way.
Yazilliclik clutched his tiny bow, stringing one of his slender arrows nervously.
The fluid stretched out into a long, slender arrow, and splattered into the witch's face.
"I would like you to take these on your journey," he said, offering Poshtli six slender arrows.