The anal fin is similar to the second dorsal fin, having two small slender spines followed by 14 to 26 soft rays.
The mice and rats have simple, slender spines mixed in with their ordinary fur.
One or two slender stinging spines are present atop the tail; many individuals have the sting missing.
The dendrites are the slender spines that help brain cells communicate.
Prothorax segments further back carry slender spines that angle backwards.
Its stems are spreading, finely hairy, generally having three slender nodal spines, 7-12 mm long.
The stipe is dark towards the base and has slender spines.
The legs are elongated and with the protibiae hosting a row of slender spines.
Alongside the cubes would be pairs of slender stabilizing spines, turning the entire composition into a gigantic truss.
Some species, notably X. spinosum, are also very thorny with long, slender spines at the leaf bases.