The sharpened point sliced deep, penetrated the heart and brought instant oblivion.
As he did, the cold steel of the man's blade sliced deep into the guard's stomach and flayed him open to the sternum.
Ross felt himself being lifted and turned, something hard and acid-hot slicing deep into his back.
Then walking backwards, he drew it down towards the haunch and the razor steel sliced deep.
Her sword bit into it, slicing deep, but the arm's strength nearly cost her the grip.
It sliced deep, just missing the combat information center, and ripped its ghastly way clear to the bridge itself.
He had a wound on his temple, a broad cut sliced deep into the greasy flesh there—as if made by a boomerang.
My sword sliced deep into the warrior's neck.
He screamed as the glass sliced deep into his flesh.
On each side of him the high walls of stone rose up to form a natural corridor that sliced deep into the hillside.