Josip Lavrochev - Described as having thin, intense face, with a mane of slicked black hair, almost-handsome with attractive features and exuding confidence.
He was slightly below medium height, broadly built, with a pale face and smooth slicked hair almost the same colour as Mary Ruthven's.
In the 'Fatal Fury' and 'The King of Fighters', Geese appears as a middle-aged man with blond short, slicked hair, wearing a aikidogi with red hakama and white uwagi without sandals.
(With her slicked short hair and shadowed eyelids, she evokes the sinister spirit of Weimar Berlin.)
He was taller than average, and his slicked hair shone dully under the overhead light.
There was something about the sharpness of his profile at a glance, the V-shape of his lean, strong back, and the unnatural blackness of his slicked hair.
In the 50's, Elvis Presley, with his slicked hair, sneer and suggestive swivel, embodied the uninhibited, while mild-mannered Pat Boone, with his toothpaste smile and white bucks, epitomized the conformist.
Torn and rough, red, with dark slicked hair along the edge and blood spattered everywhere.
'Patience,' she says, taking a deeper breath and sliding a hand through her short, slicked hair.
His fattish face was oily, ugly, and his slicked hair, black like his eyes, merely added to his unlovely appearance.