Dealers said that bidding at the auction was helped by the dollar, which firmed yesterday against most major currencies after sliding sharply on Wednesday.
But skier visits have slid sharply this season, off 16 percent through January, and the resort's managing director resigned.
Activity slid sharply to 141.3 million shares, from 194.4 million on Friday.
Finova's stock price slid sharply, closing at 19 7/8, down 121/16 .
Stocks slid sharply on the South African exchange during a shortened trading period.
Since those deals, however, the share prices of telecommunications companies have slid sharply.
The company's stock has slid sharply in the last two months.
The only imminent danger is that the dollar could slide sharply against Asian currencies, as it has against the euro.
Prices then slid sharply, recovering from their lows of the session at the close.
The dollar, which has been sliding sharply against the Japanese yen, fell again.