The ring-finger had suffered a slight abrasion, and the stain of the blood was still visible and unchanged after forty-one years.
It was as though the suit didn't exist, except that he thought it made his blisters more comfortable by alleviating the slight abrasions of the socks.
He was shot down by enemy fighters on 21 December 1941, baled out and was admitted to hospital with slight abrasions.
There's a slight abrasion.
He was relieved to discover that he had suffered no more serious injury than a slight abrasion of the skin upon one temple.
The mother ran her hands over it, over the leg that was snared, and except for some slight abrasions, it appeared miraculously uninjured.
He was hit three times in all--twice in one leg, both serious wounds, and once on the head, a slight abrasion of the scalp.
A mosquito bite, a cut, or the slightest abrasion, serves for lodgment of the poison with which the air seems to be filled.
The slightest abrasion tore them open.
And there was nothing there but a slight abrasion on her hip.