To Picard's slight annoyance, he observed that his obnoxious traveling companion had not bothered to make himself visible as well.
The Cardinal gave him a look of slight annoyance.
But his pleasure was so evident that I put my slight annoyance aside.
Gets riled up at the slightest annoyance, and decides to take it out on everyone by ruining their fun.
Kelson stood back in slight annoyance as the two slapped the worst of the dust from their riding leathers.
Humans proved only a slight annoyance or distraction to the Xeelee.
It's a slight annoyance, but worth it in my opinion.
She looked at him doubtfully, with slight annoyance.
All capacity for even the slightest annoyance had been carefully barred in their construction.
Gaius asked, a slight annoyance creeping into his voice.