Alexander and Valerie have a slight attraction to one another at times.
Yet not for one moment did I feel the slightest attraction.
Throughout his career, Graciano was faithful to Figurativism, and never felt a slight attraction to abstract art.
A depleted bank account had caused me to postpone my holiday, and as to my companion, neither the country nor the sea presented the slightest attraction to him.
Thus I hung in the air, unsupported and subject to the very slight attraction of the holds of the ship, but not falling.
I must confess to a slight romantic attraction to the folk-hero quality I see in them.
There will be an incredibly slight gravitational attraction between the atoms in those two golf balls.
Apparently he has a slight attraction towards Seras, at least hinting it when he first sees her.
At one point there is a slight attraction between Nightcrawler and Marvel Girl-manifesting in a kiss - but nothing else came of it.
Her oversexed appearance and slight attraction for Hauser make him throw up on Natalie's coat and he walks out.