The poor child was wearing a Gypsy amulet, and the mere presence of that contaminated any slight aura there might have been from her attacker.
By this time, the world had reverted to normal except for the slight aura visible to him around each person he passed.
That gives it the slightest aura of legitimacy, which makes it appealing to those who might be wavering between light and dark.
A miniature flux generator gave off a slight Saint Elmo's aura.
Although substance and rarity were mixed, according to the society's traditional formula, it was hard to ignore the slight aura of gloom that hung over this fairly ill-attended affair.
Just how close is difficult to see; equally mysterious is a slight golden aura that seems to bounce off the wall, becoming more intense as you approach.
They also appear to have a slight blue aura surrounding them.
In response, engineering schools began to drop courses that lacked academic rigor or had the slightest blue-collar aura.
Every person has a slight aura about him.
Just the slightest aura of colour round your face and those streaks of red on your shin.