A slight bruise and the total entity can be ruined.
The Inquisitor was examining a slight bruise and a little purple dot on my right forearm.
But a kind fate intervened, and by a miracle I escaped with but slight bruises.
I was covered in his blood and I had a slight bruise of the heel.
He had a small bump and a very slight bruise.
It is only a slight bruise, and has been well looked to, and is almost easy now.
"Tsk-tsk," he said when he noticed the slight bruise there.
"He had a slight bruise on a knee," Roberts said.
The driver suffered only slight bruises, however 111 109 was dismantled on-site on August 29, 1981 and not rebuilt later.
There was a slight bruise high on his left cheek, and it was turning brown.