The orbits face directly upwards, but this may have been the result of slight compression in the holotype skull.
I dropped into my tuck, hit a slight compression in the snow, got stuck in the back seat and kind of panicked.
Only those who are well acquainted with him notice the slight compression of his thin lips, which, to them, forebodes a cutting retort.
A slight compression is evident: pixel colors defined initially by 15 bytes are exactly represented by 12 code bytes including control codes.
A slight narrowing of the eyes, a slight compression of the lips.
The specimen is preserved in its original calcite with only the slightest compression.
When George was at his most genial he was at his most menacing and the slight compression of Agnelli's lips.
Where glazes are in only slight compression this can be sufficient to bring them into tension.
Now, if water is not absolutely incompressible, it is at least capable of very slight compression.