The thought was only slight consolation.
Perhaps, but that is slight consolation to Colombia's campesinos, who simply want to avoid terror and find a few hectares to cultivate.
But, monsieur, who has not the so fine susceptibility, will doubtless find some slight consolation in the fact.
The thought offered some slight consolation.
As they walked, Raya reached out to place a hand on the younger woman's shoulder, hoping that it might offer even the slightest consolation.
The slight consolation, as he saw it, was that Labor was still not strong enough to oust the Conservatives.
It was slight consolation to be able to say to himself: "I am stronger than they."
The only slight consolation is the plan to develop the site once the works are completed.
Oh, but don't these bring you even the slightest consolation?
Sitting still and looking out, he could take some slight consolation in the few hundred dollars he had in his purse.