He let them fall slowly back into place without creating the slightest current of air that might warn his victim at the desk.
By the door, two broken dials were set into a wall, a bunk was fixed into another wall, a grille in the ceiling provided a slight current of air.
There was no wind in the Underdark except for slight currents rising off pools of magma, and no chill except for the icy touch of an undead monster.
The water was calm; only the slightest current was felt.
A slight current of fear ran through his mind as he wondered if he was being transformed into a Denizen.
His theory of emanation was held by many to be irreconcilable with the Jewish doctrine of creation; and the tide of Aristotelianism turned back the slight current of Gabirol's Neoplatonism.
That is, one spin produces slight currents in the electron, and then these currents affect the other spin.
Slowly the motors were reversed, and only a slight current was given them, as, with the resistance of the tightly wound weed, too powerful a force might burn out the insulation.
He let the door flap idly to and fro behind him on the slight current of his egress, sat soddenly down on the worn steps outside, his spine a bow of dejection.
It uses a needle hooked up to small wires connected to very slight electrical currents.