Covertly uncomfortable with his slight deformities, and his obviously abnormal four-foot-nine-inch height.
Robert had a delicate constitution and a limp, due to a slight deformity in his right leg.
In spite of her slight deformity, the woman was not unattractive, and her face commanded attention.
It was so flattened at the poles that it sometimes gave the impression of slight deformity.
He had a slight deformity of one of his front feet which was described as "clubby" and needed to be corrected with specially made shoes.
A slight deformity.
In some cases, affected individuals may have a slight deformity of the valve on the left side of the heart (mitral valve prolapse).
As she sat down and took a spoonful of sugar, Jupe noticed that there was a slight deformity on her right hand--a jutting bit of bone and flesh on her smallest finger.
Surgical operations to repair the deformities were not totally successful, and left him with a slight facial deformity, and he spoke in a mumble; these handicaps made him the target of bullying at school.
The result of this slight deformity was to leave him with a rather nasal drawl.