The probe will monitor the brightness of stars, watching for the slight dimming that happens in regular intervals when planets Astronomical transit their primary sun.
It was discovered by transit on October 2, 2007, which looks for slight dimming of stars caused by planets that passed in front of them.
This was detected only as a slight dimming of the ambient light; the Viking Lander camera did not image the Sun.
The probe monitors the brightness of stars over time, searching for the slight dimming that happens in regular intervals when planets transit their primary sun.
With a slight dimming of his eyes that might have been the robotic equivalent of a sigh of resignation, Donald gave in to the inevitable.
Both groups detect a slight dimming in the light intensity during conjunction, when the planet is moving behind its sun's disk (occultation).
In doing so, a slight dimming was observed where HAT-P-33b was believed to have transited its star.
The light curve displayed a slight dimming at a point where HAT-P-32b was believed to transit its star.
But people elsewhere in the city who noticed the eclipse at all saw only a slight dimming.
So anxious was Hargood to spring the good news, that he didn't notice a slight dimming of the booth.