O'Connor's and Smith's affidavits rebutted the time periods perfectly, although they contained some slight inconsistencies.
I apologize in advance for any slight logical inconsistencies.
A slight inconsistency can be noted, as the pattern on the wood changes from shot to shot.
I took out my wallet and gave them each some money, realizing as I did so that I had created a slight inconsistency in the wallet story.
"I never saw the slightest inconsistency," he said.
However, the estimation techniques differ among studies, which could be the cause of slight inconsistencies in the reported statistics.
There's a slight inconsistency in your testimony, counselor.
Just a slight inconsistency in Apple's marketing terms.
There is a slight inconsistency, though.
That led to a slight inconsistency, and when the engineers tried to repair that in June, they caused the bigger problem.