Yazilliclick exaggerated slightly, but hoped that his companion would overlook this slight indiscretion.
He came out of it as someone who might have committed a slight indiscretion, no more, and a heterosexual one at that.
"Your slightest indiscretion will be magnified into crime, in order the more sensibly to wound and afflict me," her father warned.
Every time he committed the slightest indiscretion, he was whipped with a cane.
The slightest indiscretion on his part could open a can of worms that Karlstrom wanted to keep shut.
The slightest indiscretion and--" "Would you prefer to go on your own?
The judge chastised feminists for pounding on befuddled but well-meaning men for the slightest indiscretion or linguistic faux pas, particularly if it reflected cultural differences rather than malevolence.
"I will forgive that slight indiscretion."
The slightest indiscretion would see any healthy male sentenced to doing time along the Cape Fear creating barricades and strengthening the forts.
Then too, if she wished, before they reached Mishima or Yedo, all knew she could have them put to death at her whim for the slightest indiscretion, real or alleged.