The slightest infraction now provokes a physical response from her.
They result from slight but sly infractions of the thriller formula.
Most men, knowing they were under constant scrutiny for the slightest infraction, began to make more mistakes from sheer nervousness.
He imagined soldiers whipping slaves out of sheer boredom, or for slight infractions.
They enacted laws with fantastically vicious punishments for even the slightest infraction or heresy.
In the hallucination, the slightest infraction against a smooth-running society is met with banishment to a prison-city.
You bet, but never to the point where I would hesitate to inform on them for the slightest infraction.
When that Sea State flotilla reached its destination, there'd be a party waiting to pounce on the slightest infraction.
Between 2 and 3 million of these victims were tortured to death or summarily executed, often for the slightest infraction.
Memories of brutish guards beating and torturing for the slightest infractions.