Even worse, a slight miscalculation could lead to a collision between the object and earth!
"There was fortunately some slight miscalculation in my formula, uncle Peter," he said.
This was a timeless land, and it would kill you for the slightest miscalculation.
"At her velocity, even the slightest miscalculation will be fatal."
"A slight miscalculation on my part," Chambers murmured as he glanced around the shop.
I got it playing football, Captain, a slight miscalculation in an attempt to block a punt.
A slight miscalculation can lead to serious injury for the wrestler or his opponent.
However, due to a slight miscalculation on the far turn.
I did, however, just in case he had made a slight miscalculation.
And the green is the largest on the course, so a slight miscalculation in the approach can result in a 100-foot putt.