He told me he figured the slightest misstep and that old guy would have shot him.
Only the previous autumn, he would not even have noticed his last slight misstep.
People must have watched them all the time, waiting for them to make the slightest misstep.
The slightest misstep would have her toppling face forward on the floor.
The icy cold was waiting for the slightest misstep to kill.
But I had to finish the spell, and trust that my slight misstep would not change the outcome.
The slightest misstep, and they could easily wipe out the planet.
It was only a slight misstep, but more than enough for her.
Price had an uncanny ability to zero in on the slightest misstep.
So the first time he makes the slightest misstep they are going to let him have it.