He is too experienced not to have done so, had he felt the slightest need to play a courtier's game.
Blade never felt the slightest need to watch her or any fear of turning his back on her.
"Not the slightest need, mum," he assured me, with a fair assumption of confidence.
He stared incuriously at the ceiling for a long time, aware of being awake but without feeling the slightest need to do anything about it.
But there's not the slightest need for you to see me home.
In fact, he has never had the slightest need to murder anyone.
Whittaker had a newspaper on his knees, ready to raise it if there should be the slightest need.
Nor was there the slightest need to tell her of the thoughts that were uppermost in his mind.
'There isn't the slightest need for you to bother yourself about anything he said.'
It was the first time he had shown even the very slightest need for self-control of any kind.