Eric looked at the older man's slight physique and lifted a doubtful eyebrow, but had the sense to stand aside.
But instead of reacting to the sisters' power by putting up a scaffold around her fit but slight physique, Hingis will remain as is.
All are built with slight physiques but they are all among the finest midfield players in the world.
He had strength beyond his years and slight physique.
In the big deep voice that went so oddly with his slight physique, he said, "I do hope he's not damaged any of the beets."
The second male shows a slight physique and an old compound fracture of the left shin.
He possessed a slight physique but strong wrists and was a useful right arm slow bowler.
His mature attitude seems to be at least a decade ahead of his slight, youthful physique.
Nonetheless, her clear, pale skin, slight physique and feline self-possession gave her a distinct Audrey Hepburn air.
Although his slight physique did not keep him from a starring role, Moore sometimes shied away from roughhousing.