Aside from a slight rash of splinters-infingers among the boys hauling in wood for the fires, and a similar outbreak o scalds and burns among the busy kitchen-maids, there were no accidents either.
In other cases, the signs of an outbreak are very subtle - some itching, a slight rash or a tingling sensation that the person has never associated with herpes.
Same slight rash on the child's bottom.
I judged that tomorrow he would have a slight rash, and thereafter the episode would be over.
Sometimes it's a cut that won't stop bleeding, other times a slight rash can break out.
He had debated with himself whether he could not stop the treatment by now; he had had no trouble for some time, only the occasional itching and, once, a slight rash.
"I've gotten slight rashes a couple times from the poster paint," says Nosel, who needs at least an hour to make himself up.
There's a slight rash on your chest, hardly visible.
She found herself looking into Susan Chapman's chubby face, with its rounded features demarcated by a slight seborrheic rash in the creases.
I started using Oscar de la Renta men's deodorant, which gave me a slight rash.