It was no more than a slight roughness in the rear of the room.
This distortion may cause some slight roughness of sound.
Even the slight roughness was the same, different from the coolant's corrosion.
That slight roughness, combined with his aristocratic air, created a most intriguing combination.
They saw with astonishment that the cut surface was perfectly smooth, with not even the slightest roughness or irregularity visible.
The touch on her skin was at once firm and tender; its slight roughness emphasized the strength held in check behind.
Ronni could feel the slight roughness where he had recently shaved.
He paused in the motion, detecting a slight roughness on one surface of the stone.
A cylinder wall is not perfectly smooth but has a deliberate slight roughness to help oil adhesion.
He did find an oblong strip whose slight roughness marked it off from the surrounding wall.