Yet his low-key style and slight stature have often left him underestimated.
He loved reading military history and particularly admired Napoleon, in part because his slight stature was an example of greatness unaffected by physical size.
Their name translates to "those of slight stature."
Despite her slight stature, Lessa carried herself with authority, gracious but firm.
He is of heavy build but of comparatively slight stature for a modern day flanker.
Mr. Balram was described yesterday by relatives as a man of slight stature and warm humor.
She has overcome diabetes, a slight physical stature and the envy of other players on her way to an impeccable amateur record.
Realizing what was asked of her, Kira bent to accommodate the other woman's slight stature.
Greenblatt was a blond woman of deceptively slight stature.
They competed and won several athletic competitions despite James' slight stature (he stood 4'10" in his socks).