"So they're now dropping a bill that we see as a total reauthorization of the Patriot Act with only very slight tweaks."
There wasn't even the slightest tweak of pain from her knee.
A slight tweak can produce drastic and often unforeseen results.
In 1989 when the word "farm" was dropped from the titles, the Emmerdale theme tune underwent a slight tweak.
It was given a slight tweak in 2003.
It consisted of traditional British characters, albeit with a slight tweak.
The wheel could be kept aloft or brought down through slight tweaks in the throttle.
It uses the standard gameplay of Jenga, but gives it slight tweaks in order to create different scenarios.
He could still see the slight tweak to his gait from his injured leg.
Most of the choreography remains the same as the Korean version, with a slight tweak to some of the steps.