That's a slight uptick from last year, when only 34% of adults had received flu shots this early.
In doing that, your delays sometimes fluctuate and what you see now is a slight uptick.
In 2002, the last year for which data were analyzed, there was a slight uptick, to 795.
One smaller service, iMesh, even experienced a slight uptick in users.
"You're getting a slight uptick, but it's still in the normal range."
There has also been a slight uptick in contract prices over the past five months.
"You even might get a slight uptick in inflation but nothing significant enough to alter the historically high real rates of return."
The commission said it expected a slight uptick in 2002, to 2.9 percent.
"In fact, we've seen a slight uptick in new policies."
Without these policy changes, we will see a slight uptick in the inflation rate.