I could not allow for any gray areas, or even the slightest whiff of uncertainty.
These he presents without the slightest whiff of irony or condescension.
It didn't smell quite so strong now he was outside, but still the slightest whiff prompted his sensory memory to fill in the rest.
It's only very recently that there has been even the slightest whiff of any possibility of a default.
There has not been the slightest whiff of socialism anywhere near power since 1979.
But these are the slightest whiffs of manipulation in a movie that is entrancing and realistic at once.
Try to not inhale the vapors - a slight whiff won't harm you.
After all, she prides herself on catching the slightest whiff of news.
Anything with the slightest whiff of interest can only be an improvement.
The slightest whiff of currency crises and it goes up.